fnf mods in Mila's Septic Community

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Official Menu screen for the mod!

Credit to @Niki2088Official


Brand new sweat effects added for boyfriend, but as for now you can only see the left pose of this animation.

Credit to @Niki2088Official


Game over scene made for the mod!

Credit to @Niki2088Official .

Sorry for the inconvenience, but @FreddyBA told the team that the Time's Up ETA was wrong. (More in article)

Alright peeps all of the scripts have been posted in the development DMS! And yes I'm still working on the cutscene for Time's up in case you're asking. (More in article)

If you saw it: Good

If not: Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJPnOsnqru4

Sadist Pico Custom Week Mod Bullet Hell Official Cutscene [Blood Warning]
Good news! The cutscene of Bullet Hell is finished. The bad news is that Nikki told me that he has the free trail of Bandicam and he doesn’t have the money t...

Due to controversy of [REDACTED] I'm allowing someone else to voice act as Sadist Pico and Boyfriend because of the drama. The voice actor of girlfriend will stay the same because I'm voicing her.

A bit inspired by @witheredtoysonicthehedgehog, but I need 3 artists, a second & third song composer, and a coder. Be free do DM me or comment on this if you're interested!

LEAKS are in the article:

This will be the logo for the Mod, It's just a concept though.

(Updated the logo because yes)